Monday, April 18, 2011


Tonight Sara and I took a tatting class! It was really pretty fun. The teacher was not the greatest, but it was for sure quiet an interesting and different skill to learn. It was just the two of us and an old lady (that the teacher called by name - though I do not think she got our names through the whole evening).

Tatting is done with a shuttle. This is a small plastic or metal contraption with a hook on one end. The whole process is done through tieing very detailed small knots.

The end product is a hand lace, often used on the end of hankercheif or fine detail work for the hems of sewed items.

Here is a sample of the different thread sizing for reference:

I will describe the full technique and how to do it very shortly and provide some more images. For now I am reminding myself how far I am behind on my blog and putting placeholders to get caught up!!!

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