Friday, December 23, 2011

Vintage Style Broaches

Pintrest has been a great forum for finding neat ideas and for some time I have been yearning to work on making some felt flowers. So last weekend my friend Tiffany braved a few differnt patterns.
  • Dahlia
  • Vintage-ish Broach
  • Basic Five Point
After our brief exploration in the world of felt flowers I set out to do a batch of cute broaches for my girlfriends (to add to their holiday treat baskets). All-in-all I created about 10 broaches in one evening.

Here is what it took:
  • Tools: Scissors, Hot Glue
  • Materials: Felt, Stiffened Felt (nice backing for flower), Center Piece(s) (I like vintage buttons..but found a great look alike in covered bradlies), Something to Attach the Flower To (Pins, Barrettes, Ponytails, etc.)
Here is a shot of how they turned out:

<insert shot of vintage style broaches>

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Photography Workshop for my B-Day!

Today I am taking a seminar on "Capturing True Emotion." This is my first training in photography. I have never taken a photography workshop or class really...though I did take a physics class once, "The Physics of Color Photography," but that was more a study of spectrum color.

I have decided it is time to actually learn formal technique and how to use all the power my equipment has to offer. Funny I spent so much time researching what to buy (from a technical perspective), yet I have not really taken the time to fully learn to use the equipment. I want to learn a lot this year!

The workshop was fairly basic, but it did force me to grab my manual to look up some things on my camera. After the workshop some of the group met to go put our skills to work at the zoo (though I think the zoo was a fairly odd selection for what we actually were trying to shoot). It was interesting, and I met a fellow photographer (Dave) that helped me stumble through finding some of the settings on my camera. This makes me realize I really should join a photo group to improve my skills.

For those who are interested in learning more (and summarizing helps me learn):
  • Light - in every aspect of photography you are playing with light. Think of it as being an artist and painting with light!
  • ISO - image sensitivity best correlates to the film speed in traditional photography this is how sensitive you want to image sensor to be to light. The higher your ISO, the more light it lets in. This does impact the quality of you photo (in grainy-ness/noise) so unless that is the desired effect you want to pay attention to the ISO you are shooting at.
    • Low ISO (100-200) is for bright light days and high image quality.
    • High ISO (>400) is for low light situations and reduce the image quality.
  • Aperture - impacts light (low aperture lets in little light, high aperture lets in lots of light) and depth of field (i.e. what is in or our of focal range). If you want to blur objects in the background you have a short depth of field (much of this is controlled within your lens). If you want to see everything you need a shallow depth of field.
    • Large Aperture (f/1.8,2,4,5.6) = shallow depth
      • Practice using this, you want to zoom in and get close to your subject
    • Small Aperture (f11,22,32) = longer depth
      • Practice using this, you want to zoom out and get far from your subject
  • Shutter Speed - impacts light (slow lets in little light, high lets in more) and controls motion.
    • To freeze motion use a fast shutter speed (>1/500)
      • Practice using this, water is a good subject.
    • To blur motion use a slow shutter speed (<1/30)
      • Practice using this, animals are a good subject.
    • Note: if you are not using a tripod, you do not want to shoot below 1/60 to focus on your subject.
How this translates into digital photography (the modes on your camera):
AF Point: selects where you want to focus (center-weighted, spot, evaluate)

Metering Mode: measure the light for a specifics area in your scene that you want to use, then set to that desired metering mode for your image.

P (Programmable Mode): You control ISO (camera does the rest - watch the impact ISO has on aperture and shutter).
  *Practice by shooting in differnt light conditions. 
      If the shutter is slow, raise your ISO! (1/60 or faster if not on tripod!)
A/AV (Aperture Priority Mode): You set ISO + Aperture (camera controls the shutter speed).
  *Practice setting ISO and a desired aperture to accomplish different effects.
      If the shutter is slow, raise your ISO! (1/60 or faster if not on tripod!)

S/TV (Shutter Priority Mode): You control ISO + Shutter Speed.
  *Practice setting ISO and a desired shutter speed to accomplish different effects
      If the aperture can't open large enough, raise your ISO! (1/60 or faster if not on tripod!)

M (Manual Mode): You control ISO + Aperture + Shutter Speed.
  *Practice here is a mnemonic device to remember a good order for shooting in manual, remember -
   I AM So Freaking Cute:
     1) ISO - set based on lightening conditions (i.e. sunny, rainy, night)
     2) Aperture - set based on how much light you need for effect (i.e. short or deep field)
     3) Meter - measure and see light in a specific area of scene.
     4) Shutter Speed - set based on how much motion (try to get needle in the middle)
     5) Focus
     6) Compose

General Tips:
  • Use your histogram to see the exposure levels (left is under exposed, right is over exposed).
    • Your display lies.
  • Things you want in composition: line, shape, form, color, texture, value, space.
    • There are many elements, but start with mastering the above.
  • Check out the Golden Section and Rule of Two Thirds for composition.
    • Many examples out there to learn more.
Happy Birthday to me :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011


For Steve & Skye's 30th I signed up to do cupcakes.

With the fine help of Jason & Sara cupcakes were requested and we made some delicious Key Lime, Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Rainbow Cupcakes with Moustaches.
I think they turned out fabulous and the chocolate peanut butter was a hit for sure!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Walking back to my car from the meeting this morning it felt in slow motion and I was caught off guard by the splendor. It is not often one would describe a dreary grey morning with the sky drizzling on your sweater as beautiful. Somehow I intuitively dressed to mirror the day and I could not help but let the thought of this paradox muster a smile. All the warmth escaped me as the wind blew across making the small hairs on my body rise from the chill. It was bright, so my eyes took a defensive stance against light and windy elements retreating into their squinted position. I felt intrinsic in that moment as though I were one with all the elements around me. Stopping for a moment to take it all in I watched as the cherry blossoms elegantly twirled across the rough concrete and made their way in little whips of air to surround me. It felt almost as though spring was working to enchant me as she danced around me ever so slightly brushing my cheek with her effervescent kisses.
I stopped momentarily savoring the complex layers of perfection. It is rare that you notice when such moments cross your path as we are so often caught up in the rest of the world. Spring in the air passed into my lungs and filled my body with a strange fulfillment. I promised myself to capture this image. Closing my eyes I panned across the scene retrieving each synapse as a still frame in my mind. I knew the memory could not entirely be capture this experienced in all the sounds and sensations. So I write this today as an observer and documenter.
Somehow I feel like I a meant to write this to capture today for some reason. Only time will reveal the mysteries of spring...I am excited to see what secrets she is yet to unravel.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Eggs

Pig chicken - a miraculous creation during our Easter egg decorating adventure.
A basket full of died and glitter eggs :)
Some swirly eggs too!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mommy Sierra

Today my best friend is having a baby! She is such an incredible person and I am so excited to see her share that warmth with Sander.

I remember the day we met. Tall person walking in the hall, who looked a little lost. I too was lost, not sure who to sit by. Strange how the simple things when you are young stay true through life. Who do I sit by in the lunch room, who do I talk to, what do I do to look like I don’t care, what’s the right way to show I do care.

The days flipping through magazines on Saturday morning looking at the pics of a life more glamorous than our own. Talking about dreams and goals that we are now living.

She is still the poised, artistic, and compassionate person I always looked up to. So interesting how one day you open your eyes and realize that the dreams and goals of yesterday are what we are living today.

I am proud to be a part of her life and now she will be the most wonderful mommy.


Monday, April 18, 2011


Tonight Sara and I took a tatting class! It was really pretty fun. The teacher was not the greatest, but it was for sure quiet an interesting and different skill to learn. It was just the two of us and an old lady (that the teacher called by name - though I do not think she got our names through the whole evening).

Tatting is done with a shuttle. This is a small plastic or metal contraption with a hook on one end. The whole process is done through tieing very detailed small knots.

The end product is a hand lace, often used on the end of hankercheif or fine detail work for the hems of sewed items.

Here is a sample of the different thread sizing for reference:

I will describe the full technique and how to do it very shortly and provide some more images. For now I am reminding myself how far I am behind on my blog and putting placeholders to get caught up!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My First Wedding Photography Gig

Pictures to come shortly!

Woodland Critters for Sander

I was at first a bit fearful of free patterning so many critters, but the results (if I do say so myself) were adorable.

A few woodland critter bodies:
Woodland critter faces:
The mobile mounted in Sander's nursery:
I am really happy how well this turned out!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rainbow Cake with a Dark Side

For my hubbie’s B-Day, I decided to take on a new creative challenge and created a rainbow cake. Yes that is right, rainbow cake.

To add the final touches to the rainbow cake, we frosted the top and made it look like grass. To top of the loveliness I played with the fondant and added a surprise in the sweet grass knoll.

It was my idea a little knee slapping humor letting my husband know he was well into his “turdies.”

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cake Pops

Oh how cute the picture was, but a total fail in the making of our attempted dog pops.
A couple lessons learned in the process of attempting cake pops:
  • Sizing – I wish someone had pointed this out before, but you need really precise sizing for the pops to stay on the stick!
  • Moistness – I think I added too much frosting (getting over zealous with the left over third of frosting I added it all), it falls of the stick if it is too moist.
  • Freeze the balls – it works wonders.
  • Dipping – I am an amateur in working with chocolate and dipping is not my talent, but we did have to thin the candy out quite a bit so have some crystallines on hand to do this if you need to.
  • Frosting – we had issues using the warm chocolate to get items to adhere to the cake pops, so instead we used dabs of frosting, which worked great!
  • Styrofoam – find some good Styrofoam (heavy enough to balance) to support the pops once they are done and ready to dry.
The process seems fairly straight forward –
  • Make a cake (you can use a boxed cake set if it is easier)
  • Frosting (you use about ¾ cup)
  • Roll the balls *Freeze the balls (an extra step we found helped tremendously)
  • Heat chocolate/candy coating
  • Adhere ball to stick
  • Dip and cool
There appearance was a little touched, but they were a hit and very delicious.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dog Shaped Sugar Cookies

Cookie cutters were a bit deceiving!

I got a four pack of doggie themed cutters to make some cookies for Benny’s first birthday. It was only after making the recipe that we found the dog paw looked like a clover, the doggie looked like a cow, and the dog house was mysterious. The bone was fine, but we served the final results and they seemed to go over well.
In the end, the cookies were delicious and devoured by many little cookie monsters!

Monday, April 4, 2011

(218) It's A Doggie Day

I can't believe our nephew is already 1!

Tonight I cut out Benny's Birthday high chair hanger (aka a mini banner). It turned out pretty darned cute if I do say so myself!
I ended up using a green/white cross pattern on clouds, a cute swirly font, with the piece de la resistance being an adorable dog cut out (that will be a magnet for the keeping).

Tomorrow we are going to try to make some doggy sugar cookies to go with the theme and Wednesday an attempt at a rainbow cake. Wish I would have had enough time to do the cupcakes for Benny too, but with this week being my big boys birthday too it was a bit of a challenge.

And now time to put my dogs to sleep...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

(223-219) Little Ladies for a Little Lady

At long last after months of construction I finished Karly's or should I say Addie's mobile!
It was a smidgen behind schedule, but I can wait for little Addison to enjoy the cuteness of the little ladies! Each lady is hand crafted out of a baby/toddler sock. The wing base is from felt and a cross pattern patch of material is embroidered to the felt. Faces are also embroidered and the bugs are given slightly different personalities. To bring out their feminine charm they have pearl necklaces. And what bug is complete with out some pipe cleaner antennas!

So cute to see the beautiful Miss Addie enjoying her mobile!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

(226-224) Balms Away!

Sara and I have done 3 batches of balms and they are awesome!

Our first batch was a cucumber melon in a hot pink mica. The color is super cute, but we did not put an opaque so it mostly does not show once applied. The balm is very smooth when applied, though we are going to play with a couple elements in the recipe. One thing in particular we want to look in to is a sweetening oil so it tastes as delich as it smells!

Following out first run we did another of butter creme and got a little flirty with a Margarita with a copper glitter mica.

We still need to perfect our pouring techniques despite trying several options, it seems like pipettes might be where it's at.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

(234-227) Baby Showers - Like Butter!

This weekend I started out by making a Welcome sign for the upcoming shower! It turned out super cute...picture to come soon :)

Saturday was a Sara & Amber craft experimental day. We started in Sara's lab making soap (we made about 64 bars this weekend). We did a double batch of lavender/rosemary glycrin soap and beeswax lemon verbana. Both turned out wonderful and I think will be added to the final book of recipes for our business launch. Tomorrow we do the final packaging of the soap.

After a quick jaunt around town grabbing some delicious subs at Eastside Deli (yum!) and checking out the Decorette shop to see their latest inventory of molds we headed to my kitchen and made delicious whipped body butter. The recipe contains: Shea & Cocoa Butter, Coconut Oil, Vitamin E, Essential Oil, Liquid Glycrin, and distilled water. The results were a wonderfully soft body butter!

We chose to use a grapefruit essential oil and instead of the resulting scent we had been intending, the lotion turned out to smell more like a chocolate covered orange. The kind you get around Christmas, so I tilted this variety Christmas Orange. We make about 40 ozs and packaged 23 for the shower I am hosting next weekend. I hope to add some shower themed stickers if time permits.

On a side bar...I wish we had the branding ready for our new business! We are not quiet there yet, but we spent a few hours planning. Thus far we have a domain and are working to link it to the blog. We checked out some preliminary site designs and started to discuss ideas and look at competitors. This week we are focusing on site linked and working on some design (we need a logo). Stay tuned for our new business launching mid this year! Sara and I have much work ahead of us :)

In tow with the rest of the weekend crafting projects was more shower preparation. I worked on customizing two game ideas I had come across online. One was "pin the sperm on the egg." I had a great time creating a sperm Dan and egg Sierra (was cracking up the whole time):

The second was a customization of an attributes game where you list the different attributes parents have and then you have the attendees guess which attribute the mommy will want the baby to share. No photoshop there though I had contemplated creating some combined images with Sierra's favorite physical traits (kind of old school Conan Obrien style with the celebrity babies).

All was a success until it came to the chocolates...but that is another tail all together and it is past my bedtime.

Monday, February 7, 2011

(238) Supplies Shopping

Another long week...I must admit I have been in quiet a rut since finding out about the change at my job. So Friday I went to Tacoma to transition the work I had completed. On my trip I stopped in Seattle to visit Sierra and Dan.

Friday was low key and after taking the sounder up from Tacoma, I watched the guys try to install a toilette for about an hour while waiting for Sierra to get home from work. After another hour and chatting the guys were still working on their project, so Sierra and I headed to dinner at Tango.

Sunday we met for brunch - yum! After which Sierra and I went on an adventure to Zenith Supplies ( in search of materials for soap for her shower. We stopped before heading back and enjoyed some custard and chatted about life. I am so excited for her and Dan starting their family. Life feels like it is changing so quickly and I feel in slow motion. I suppose it does not help being sick this week.

We left for home late on Saturday to make it in time for the anti-Super Bowl party that is becoming a new tradition. Sunday I woke and went to JCs house and made some delicious chili before the masses started to arrive. It was a hit! Everyone brought delicious treats, played games, and watched some of the game (though there was more focus on the kitten half time show).

Monday Sara and I made some truffles and I tried a new peanut butter truffle recipe that is delicious! Also, on my way home I found a local supply company right down the street Shay & Company ( that has great supplies for making lotions, soaps, and cosmetics. I got the final supplies for our upcoming soap making session this weekend.

This week I have to make the banner/welcome sign, lotion/soap, and truffles for the shower. Much to do before next week.

And to top it all off, we got back our wedding photos. I designed and ordered our thank yous, designed a book with the photo booth pictures, and designed a wedding album for my mom (though I may want to design another one and give her that instead). I still have to design a book for our honeymoon too! But it feels good to be getting thing done.

Speaking of close to getting my taxes done, but have to research details about filling out a Schedule F. On that note, off to research tax stuff. I was researching having a hobby that you can write off on your taxes, but you have to make a profit to write it off. So my goal this year to build an online store front to sell hobbies. I started an Etsy site, my friend has a registered company, and website that we are going to work on soon. So this will be a goal for the year!

Monday, January 24, 2011

(240) Stopping to Breath

Several mornings while driving into work I made a promise to myself to spend the first few minutes of the day writing about the beauty I was admiring on my drive. A daily inspirational moment to replenish my soul.

I didn't notice at the time, but looking back I realize the closer I got to work how my anxiety increased. My mind became clouded by nervous thoughts about the upcoming day. What fire would I put out today? Did I get everything I needed to done? Had I over looked an email? I was overwhelmed by the sheer thought of getting out of my car. It was not until the sun had set and I was on my return home that I remembered again the beauty of the morning.

Driving in the morning sun rising over Mount Hood the sky was vibrant pink and orange. It was eerily clear and quiet. Something about the serene day as I drove out Highway 84 East made me feel glad to be alive. There was really no specific reason why, but it was somehow euphoric. As the antagonist in my head inserted a remember that my father was no longer alive, I realized how lucky I am to see this beautiful morning. How fortunate I am to have found such a wonderful husband and despite all the little anxieties that life has to bring, how much more I should savor every moment, every second, every day of this life.

A few weeks later again these emotions found themselves emerging in my mind. This morning had an entirely different feel. A picture is worth a thousand words, it is the thought that were invoked in my mind that left their presence remembered. Fog saturated damp air misted its way around the darkly silhouetted trees. Light illuminated through the morning sending rays through the black silhouette surrounds. Sometimes the world is full of so much wonder.

Sure enough as soon as I parked and jaunted to the office door (managing to avoid the front entrance welcome by entering through the back loading dock technician entrance) the adrenaline hit, the phone flashing, email overloaded, and questions, no wonder I forgot to stay true to my word to myself.

Every so often I think it is good to stop and remember those things that do inspire us.

(250-241) Lunch Break Catch Up

Taking a break for the first time in a while! Works has been so over consuming lately, but have no fear I have been diligently crafting (despite being way behind on blogging about the experiences).
So here is a summary, though I will still back track and break out a few of my favorite experience.

Saturday January 8th – Weekend at Tiffany’s
Saturday Tiffany and I met up to do some party planning for the upcoming showers (Karly & Sierra). I walked through the swatches and we agreed upon the design elements we liked the most, then set out to Micheal’s to execute on the design. We found some decorations and wood grain paper for the banner and ideas for the shower. As we set out on our mission, we had the guys gluing the critters (that I had cut earlier in the week).

After our day of running around we enjoyed some delicious Papa’s Pizza (to celebrate Jacob’s 14th – my how he has grown). If you are not familiar, Papa’s is out of Eugene, Oregon and offers a uniquely delicious nacho pizza that though strange – yet pretty awesome. After dinner Tiffany & I ran to Kinko’s to run the invitations printing, then went home to assemble the invitations.

After a while we chose to take a break and Tiffany made the most delicious sundaes! Nom!!! I had to share the South Park Woodland Critter Christmas episode, which had been stuck in my mind since starting the planning for Sierra’s shower. It never fails to bring a laugh and a smile (though somehow the most disturbing episode of South Park).

Sunday January 9th – Weekend at Tiffany’s Continued
Before leaving town we finished the invitations for Sierra and if I do say so myself they are adorable:

After invitations we complete, we set out on an epic adventure of making chocolate (as I had picked up a kit at Micheal’s the day before). I won’t entirely call it an epic fail, but it is a memory that will live in emphamy in mine and Tiffany’s memories together. I will savor the sweet details of uni-browed butterflies and bubbly ladybugs. Delicious!

Our weekend would not be complete without a trip to Ben Franklin – a land of wonderful creativity in Eugene. I picked up a new quilling book and a quilling comb to try out some new designs and Tiffany found that they had quilling classes at the store!

To top of the weekend off Tiffany and I sat to quill. I surprised Tiffany by giving her my extra quilling set (because I thought she would truly enjoy it). We spent the last few hours of our weekend as I taught tiffany how to quill and I knew I found a fan when I got a text on Tuesday and she shared a number of other cute critters she had been working on. So glad to introduce some creativity and inspire a friend to create. That is the best part of life!

Monday January 10th – Baby Burke Banner
A banner for baby Burke! Tonight I unleashed the awesome powers of the cricket on Skye to help with a banner for a shower she was throwing in California (the following weekend). Paper, glue, ribbon and about an hour or so later we came out with a super cute banner. Wish I had caught a few pics…but I am sure Skye will have some to share soon.

Friday January 14th – The Coast Weekend
I spent the evening teaching Roxana, Marcus, and Jen how to quill. I felt creative in the process of sharing the techniques with them and seeing the excitement they had when finishing their quilled designs. Roxana did a super cute butterfly, Marcus chose a balloon, and Jen was very decided in wanting a blue duck with orange accents.

Saturday January 15th – Sticky Buns
In the morning I made Tiffany’s delicious sticky buns recipe– though I think I over did it with the rolls because they were overflowing after rising. Lesson learned for next time though. Though overall I think the results were a hit.

I had ordered a knit set from Amy Gaines on Etsy (check her stuff out she rocks!). But I didn’t realize the kit I had gotten was crochet, not knit! So I had Roxana sit down and show me a few stitches. I will have to work on this one to figure out how to construct the super cute owls that I want to give Benny for his 1st B-Day!

Sunday January 16th – Creativity Fail, Why Not Help Out?
At this point the drama in the cabin house had pretty much ensued and I felt less than creative, rather exhausted and ready to get home. The drive home was pretty and we stopped by the Glennon’s home in Salem to assess the situation and plan for their upcoming move to Portland. Though I did not feel creative, it did feel good to help some friends in need.

Saturday January 22nd – Soap and Fizzy Adventure
Soap and Bath Fizzies Adventure with with Sarah – more to come on this as I think the experience entails a posting all unto itself.

Sunday January 23rd – The Imaginary Invalid
It had been a while since I had some mom and me time. So I took her with me to see The Imaginary Invalid at Portland Center Stage.

We started the day with a quick bite to eat a Lucca Table in NE (pretty yummy with a super neat ambiance), then proceed to arrive at the play just on time. The play was really funny (and a little different than I had expected – surpassing my expectations), but we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Context of the play was so very prevalent being based on a hypochondriac trying to find a way to ensure through the marriage of his daughter that he will always be taken care of. There is an evil stepmother and over the top plot twists that come baring quick wit and a punch of humor. Of particular note was the faux Latin used in several of the songs which was hilarious (but moves so quickly that it keeps you on your toes).

Okay folks…and now my lunch is over and I feel like I had a bit of time to catch up!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

(251) Soap Making and Molds

This weekend my friend Sarah taught me to make soap! Well I should say she really made the soap while I watched as we were in a rush to get to a delicious wine bar. I asked her to teach me as a favor for an upcoming baby shower (next weekend - sheesh how the time flies!). Our soap was in the shape of ladybugs - looks super cute and is a gelatinous red with glitter.

She did expose me to an awesome site for all things soap oriented:

Another location that is great for finding molds is candy shops. During our adventures we went out to this super neat confections supply store in Beaverton called the Decorrette Shop.

For those who are locals, you basically drive down Highway 99 in Tigard and it is behind the shopping center near JoAnn's (11945 SW Pacific Hwy, Ste 109, Tigard, OR 97223). They have a website, but it really does not do the store justice -

(Recently found that there is one in SE as well off of SE Foster (near 50th))

Thursday, January 13, 2011

(252) Biscotti

Tonight my creative energy came in the form of cooking some delicious scones for the upcoming beach cabin trip this weekend. Voila:

Cranberry Pistachio Biscotti
* 1/4 cup light olive oil
* 3/4 cup white sugar
* 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
* 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
* 2 eggs
* 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 3/4 cup dried cranberries
* 1 cups pistachio nuts
* 1 1/2 cups Powdered Sugar
* 1 teaspoon Lemon Zest (finely minced)
* 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
* 1 tablespoon milk

1. Mix oil and sugar, add in the extracts (vanilla and almond), and beat in eggs. Combine flour, baking powder, and salt. Then add cranberries and nuts by hand.
2. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper and form dough into two logs (~12 inches).
3. Bake for @ 300 for 35 minutes (logs should be a light brown).
4. Cool for 10 minutes, then cut logs on diagonal into 3/4 inch thick slices, and reduce oven to 275.
5. Lay on sides and bake approximately 8 to 10 minutes (until biscotti is dry), let cool.
6. Whip glaze, then dip biscotti, and set on wax paper to dry.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

(254-253) Karly Invitations for the January Shower

Here is a quick peek at the second invitations for Karly's shower. Since I was short on time I ordered the design from Tiny Prints, then embellished them with some cute lady bugs.

Inside the invitations I also whipped a quick invite for the Man Shower:

Invitations are done, now I have to work on the cupcake toppers and inserts for the floral arrangements.