Sunday, January 31, 2010

(341) Museum of Flight Shots

Traveling to Seattle did not bring the quiet the photo shooting opportunity I had hoped for, but I did have the chance to do some photos at the Museum of Flight.

I am playing around with uploading pictures to Pisca or Flickr, but can't seem to make a decision for which one to use.

I started by utilizing Flickr and will see how this works. Here are pictures from the Flight museum: Flight Museum Photos

Thursday, January 28, 2010

(342) Borosilicate Glass

I found another new passion, Borosilicate glass!

Borosilicate is a hard glass (in contrast to the soft - Bullseye glass used for bead making). I particularly like that the hard glass does not need to go into the Vermicultie and temper as quickly.

Today we started by practicing hot welding a cube. Then we moved on to make several pendants. Pictures will be posted once the annealing process is complete.

I need to work on transferring glass using puntils, shaping the glass, and creating stingers. Next week I plan to return to the studio to do some more work.

Ultimately I want to work towards doing borosilicate implosion pieces.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Skye's Owl Babies

The owls took a little longer than the weekend, but I am happy to report they are done!

The graduating class of January 2010 (soon to move into mobile form):

My friend helped construct some branches with hooks. Now after these have set with varnish the mobiles will be ready to construct.

All-in-all the owls are a fairly easy project, but take a bit of time. Finding the right socks, cutting the pieces, sewing, embroidery and constructing the mobile. Stitching the wings and beaks and hand sewing means each owl takes an evening at best. And two if you count getting the body done. If you want to do a similar project I would recommend doing the work in stages.

On that note. This nite owl is off to bed!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

(347-343) Four Baby Owls for Mobile #2

So I have been behind on posting this week, but much progress has been made. I have four owl bodies complete and this weekend my goal is to finish the stitch work.

This set is much more muted colors than (mint and brown) than the first set and will safely be done before the February 6th baby shower :)

Stay tuned for the sock babies.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

(348) Baby Shower Scrapbook Card

Tonight I laid out the pieces for a baby shower card.

Though I can't post the picture now I will describe it. I used contrasting back grounds. The tree uses a wood like contrast against a back ground. Perched on the tree is an Owl sticker. I need to find some lettering or stenciling to write Nollkamper on it as well.

The pieces are prepared, but I will have to finish it up tomorrow because it is past my bedtime.

Monday, January 18, 2010

More Classes

I followed up and signed up for two additional classes working with glass.

One introduces more advanced techniques for bead making and the other is an intro to working with Borosilicate glass making 3 dimensional shapes.

Not only does next week mark the start of my Art Class at Oregon Society for Artists, but the boro class is on the 27th.

Other than registering for the classes the only creative event for the evening was playing with Jason's juicer and making an exotic juice with mango, pineapple, strawberry, orange, and apple.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

(349) Glass Bead Making

Today was my first experience working with a torch to make glass beads. My mother and I took the Intro to bead making class at Aquila Glass School.

It was a really interesting process and I think I will enjoy learning to master the art a bit more.

To make glass beads you use a torch that feeds gas and oxygen (under a hood helps). You heat glass with the torch along with a mandrill with bead release. It takes a steady hand and even manipulation of the glass and rod.

The beads need to cool at an ever temperature so they do not crack. So once they begin to set they are put into a vat (Frye Daddy) with moisture pellets (used for flowers, I don't remember what they are called starts with a V...).

Once the beads are done they must anneal in a kiln to set the glass (the temperature depends on the glass you use). Today we used Bullseye Glass.

I should have the beads back in a week (pending the first batch does not crack) and photos to follow.

Next I think I might sign up for another follow up intermediate class after heading back in to practice a bit more. I would also like to work my way up to taking the Borosilicate series.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

(350) Owl #4 Blue's Twin

Last night I finished the owls for mobile #1. Now I just need to construct the mobile. One more mobile to go for next week! I need to get it ready before the February baby shower.

Here are the blue twin's:

Friday, January 15, 2010

(351) Owl #3 - Chubby Gray

Tonight flew by and it is not surprising that it is way after my bedtime.

After a lovely dinner with the Glennon-Olsen's we took a quick trip to Powell's. I picked up a contemporary embroidery book (The New Crewl) and got side tracked looking at the interesting patterns when I got home. There is one in particular (Peace Tree) pattern that is super cute. I think it will add it to the ever growing list of crafts.

Goal #1 still remains to get owl mobile for January baby! And so to meet this need I put together the body for owl 3, which I am aiming to finish the assembly on tomorrow. A couple more nights of work and the owls will be ready to fly!

There are several other similar projects lined up for my nephew to be also including an owl mobile and a stuffed owl that I am trying to make before her shower in February. If I get super ambitious I might add a little felted owl to the batch too, but we shall see as time moves on.

Also in the early February time frame I am aiming to construct Valentine's cards to send.

Here are pictures of Owl #3:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

(352) Valentine Design

Tonight I began a preliminary design for my valentine's.

So as not to ruin it for some friends...I will leave this as a space holder for images of valentine's to come on a later date.

This too is going to be a multi-day project :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

(353) Owl #2 - My Boy Blue

Tonight (Tuesday) I sewed the body for owl #2.

I think each of these owls are going to take on a life of their own. Now the owl needs a little embroidery and some felt eyes & wings! Perhaps that will be my mission tomorrow after my work out classes.

And on that is off to sleep.

Thursday - Up late again, but finished owl #2. Here is the final silly little guy:

Now the mobile is half way done and the owl baby has a friend!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Slow Week

Today I finished Owl #1, but I am a day behind after falling asleep when attempting to write something for yesterday.

Owl #1 in his final form:

At least I have accomplished one goal, but perhaps tomorrow I can start Owl #2 (as I want to have the first mobile done by the end of the month).

This brings to thought something I had not considered when starting this blog. How should I count multi-day projects? To me I suppose that the whole idea is to accomplish something creative for the day and re-insert creativity into my life.

There are many things that can make you feel creative, so this can be anything that I choose to share that has inspired a creative moment. Ideally that would mean at the end of the blog I will have created 365 creative projects...though some will be repeated with different materials.

(355) Pretty in Pink - Beaded Ornament

And that completes the packages of ornaments!

I made one of these for my friend, but liked it so much that I snagged the last package and made one for me that matches.

I named this the "pretty in pink" -

Saturday, January 9, 2010

(356) The UFO - Beaded Ornament

Yesterday after arriving at my friend's after the Laker game (and yes the Blazers did indeed win) I started work on another ornament.

The package was readily available so I started work on a very sequin-ie pattern that took a long time to put together. Though it does not quiet look like the original photo on the box, there is a definite similarity.

I call this one "UFO" Ornament -

Thursday, January 7, 2010

(357) An Ode to the 70s - Beaded Ornament

Over the holiday my friend introduced me to beaded ornament kits that came out in the 70s.

After putting together several at his house he gave me some to put together and keep. The first one I did last month, but I had one more lingering on the table and did not want to pack with the rest of the decorations until it was done.

The ornaments are time consuming, but I think the concept is neat and one year it would be fun to do a small tress all in hand decorated ornaments.

The materials are small and tedious.

But the results are...well here is my "snow reflection" ornament:

(358) Cute and Versatile Multi-Colored Bracelets

Yesterday I came home exhausted and went to sleep early. And today I left work a wreck. I realized I can't take much more of the stress. My job is owning my life and I am not liking the way it makes me feel.

Today my colleague consoled me over happy hour and it all became clear that I need to make a change. Either I learn to cope and deal with the job as it existing (i.e. learn to shut it off) or I move on to a new position. I am not sure which one takes more energy. I inadvertently missed my first day of Zumba and Yoga.

After my excursion I found myself wondering the craft store and picked up some materials to finish some of the partially completed projects.

I was able to finish three bracelets. Unfortunately I ran out of cramp beads to finish the other bracelets and I have yet to figure out a design for earrings (not to mention decided if I want to make earrings that match).

Monday, January 4, 2010

(359) Owl Attempt #1

Tonight I tested the pattern for an owl mobile I am going to put together for my sister-in-law.

She is doing an owl theme nursery so searched for a mobile and found the cutest owl pattern on Etsy at

Here is my the body of my first attempt:

Most likely I will need to practice a few owls first to perfect the technique, so there will be many little owls soon to follow.

I cut the patterns for wings and eyes, but need to get a proper sized embroidary needle to finish up.


It is past my bedtime again yet again, but as I was reading up on pointless information on the Internet I recalled that my personal fitness class starts tomorrow (@ Milwaukie center).

Another on the to-do list is to register for a Yoga class. I am hoping I can find a good instructor and class on Wednesday.

It is going to be even more challenge to complete my creative goals on Monday's and Wednesday's as I will have class in the evening (not to mention our kitchen remodel is not as complete as we had hoped).

I suppose this is why it is so easy to lose site of creativity in a world that pulls us in so many diverse directions at once.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

(360) Beautiful Green Prehnite Necklace

The Prehnite necklace is done! Prehnite are crystal formations found in volcanic cavities. They vary in color from a yellow to green tone. It is said to be helpful for meditation to improve visualization and protection.

Pretty crazy that I am just now getting around to making the necklace I got the stone for 4 years ago.

My friend Anshu and I had decided we had time off for New Year's and to cease the time to go on a road trip. We drove up through Port Angeles and took the ferry to Victoria. We stopped at Mineral World when we were driving from Victoria to catch the ferry to Vancouver and I found beautiful stones. So I picked out a few beautiful stones to mark the journey and make some jewelery when I returned.

Being there for the holiday was wondrous and seeing that pictures makes me want to go again. Maybe next year I will plan on doing that for Christmas...

I wonder what Anshu is up to these days...I will have to email her to find out. Technology is an amazing thing that helps keep relationship enduring over long time. Though strange as it maybe that people drift out of lives as they follow there own paths. Every once in a while it is still nice to cross their path again.

(361) Planning Art Projects

For the wire I ended up with 18 gauge stem wire (used in floral design). I also got some 22 gauge floral wire. For the first set I figured it would be good to explore the two different sized wire to see if either would work or I need to try something in between the two sizes. Now I need to find cord to fit over the wire and I will have the materials for the animal frames.

This morning I researched eyes and ended up ordering some 2mm & 3mm sets from:

I was also comparing wool blending tools (carders) online, but still did not find one to was not able to decide which to order. Instead I think I will look at the fabric store as I try to find the cord.

One site to use steel shot to add a little weight to the animals, so I am hoping a quick trip to a one stop shot might meet this need.

All-in-all I think these projects will get once better once I figure out how to get all the materials. Getting started this time around was a bit of a struggle as even finding the roving wool was a challenge. I think once I have more experience with the materials (and understand the sizing a bit more) things will go much smoother.

I need to learn how to gauge wire, cord an eyes for different size animals!

On that note I am off to run errands and try to find the remaining materials for my felting project. And still need to make it to the bead store...

Late Blogs and Little Creativity

Tomorrow I will have some catch up on my creative goals!

I did attempt to find more materials for making joints on my felted creations. Now I have been trying to figure out how to do the eyes.

Tomorrow if I can make it to the beading store and get some cord I should have some quality time to catch up on the projects that have fallen behind.

I also need to get in the better habit of blogging the day after the activity is done to blog much earlier.

Next week I start some classes that should help my goal. I am taking a "So You Think You Can't Draw" class at the Oregon Society for Artists. That means I will now add drawing to the mix once a week.

For now it is way past bedtime good night!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sushi - Edible Art

So I can't claim the wonderful rolls below, but I would definately recommend anyone to pursue the experience at Sushi Mazi in Portland.

The rolls are both delicious and artfully prepared.

Super Rock and Roll -

Buddah Delite Roll -

Sunset Roll -

(362) Shopping 4 Materials

About three weeks back I was reading a magazine and saw the cutest little animals made of roving. Well as many others I immediately asked "what is roving?" Roving is raw wool for spinning into yarn that can be used for felting. I had never heard of this technique so I was curious how one would make one. And then did my first needle felting project, a black penguin:

Today I worked very minimally on a felted pig, but I got side tracked and started showing and telling my friends about needle felting. Particularly how I was fascinate by the artist who runs this site: Incredible Needle Felting

One project I would like to work on this year is making a group of felted barn animals. I started to read a bit more and found that I need some more materials (wire, chord and eyes). Tomorrow calls for a shopping trip to get more materials for my project.

Also on the shopping list for tomorrow are more beads to finish the necklace I started when I was making the bracelets and earrings. The design is pretty much set (so the rest is pretty easy):

I also have beads for a set of bracelet, but need some beading needles:

So my goal tomorrow is to go shopping and get materials. And tonight I am going to read up on felting in this book Fleece Dog.

Friday, January 1, 2010

(363) Happy New Year's!

So creativity was tough to muster in the events of a holiday evening. And despite my best attempts to take the day off I reluctantly worked a full day.

So in tribute to the evening here are some creative images of some of my best friends:

Last night we brought in the New Year at the Art Museum with New Year's Nation. I was fascinated by watching the DJ after. He was pretty good, but it made me miss it for the first time in a very long time.

It was just hard to find time to DJ, work an over extended job, and ultimately I wanted to produce music. I slowly wound down and when I bought my first house (about two years back) I have since not hooked up my equipment. This year I finally told myself I would go through the process of vinyl cleansing.

So for now I have to run to watch the Rose Bowl with my friends...but I will update some more thoughts on my djing experience later.