Thursday, January 7, 2010

(358) Cute and Versatile Multi-Colored Bracelets

Yesterday I came home exhausted and went to sleep early. And today I left work a wreck. I realized I can't take much more of the stress. My job is owning my life and I am not liking the way it makes me feel.

Today my colleague consoled me over happy hour and it all became clear that I need to make a change. Either I learn to cope and deal with the job as it existing (i.e. learn to shut it off) or I move on to a new position. I am not sure which one takes more energy. I inadvertently missed my first day of Zumba and Yoga.

After my excursion I found myself wondering the craft store and picked up some materials to finish some of the partially completed projects.

I was able to finish three bracelets. Unfortunately I ran out of cramp beads to finish the other bracelets and I have yet to figure out a design for earrings (not to mention decided if I want to make earrings that match).

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